Exporting VPG Settings and Importing VPGs
- Last UpdatedNov 27, 2024
You can save VPG settings to a downloadable JSON file. You can use this file to import the VPGs back to Zerto.
Exporting VPG Settings
1. | In the VPGs tab, go to Actions > Export VPG Settings. |
The Export VPGs Settings window is displayed.
2. | Choose the VPGs Settings Time (date of the VPG settings to export). Zerto saves the VPG settings periodically. You can choose to export the settings from the current point in time, or older settings. The dropdown list displays all the available points in time. |
When choosing the point in time, the VPG list updates according to the VPGs that existed at that specific point in time.
3. | Choose the VPG(s) whose settings to export. By default, all VPGs are selected. |
Click Export.
The JSON file is downloaded through your browser.
Importing VPG Settings
1. | In the VPGs tab, go to Actions > Import VPG Settings. |
The Import VPGs window is displayed.
2. | Choose the JSON file previously exported through the ZVM GUI export function to the local machine. |
The following export files are automatically generated:
• | ZVM Appliance = var/data/zerto/zvr/zvm/ExportedSettings |
• | Windows ZVM = %Program Files%\Zerto\Zerto Virtual Replication\Zerto\Zerto Virtual Replication\ExportedSettings |
Note: Files from these two locations must also be exported via ZVM GUI export function to transform the formatting to be accepted by the new ZVM GUI import function.
The available VPGs defined in the files are displayed.
By default, all VPGs are selected. You can select which VPGs to import. Click Back to return to the upload step and choose another file.
3. | Click Import. |
The VPGs are imported and an import successful message displays.
If the VPG could not be imported, the reason for the failure is specified.
For more details, go to the Monitoring page and monitor the Create VPG tasks.
Importing and Exporting VPG during Zerto Upgrade
1. | After the upgrade is completed, export the VPG settings and choose the desired VPG settings time. |
2. | The JSON file is downloaded through your browser. Use this JSON file to import the VGPs. |
• | Since Zerto saves VPG settings periodically, the settings in a previous Zerto version are available for export after upgrade to a newer Zerto version. |
• | Import VPGs is a synchronous operation. Do not close the window until the operation finishes. |
• | Importing of a large number of VPGs can fail due to timeout, if the user is not active in the user interface for 30 minutes. |
Workaround: Run the operation up to 100 VPGs at a time in every iteration.