- Last UpdatedNov 09, 2023
The DASHBOARD provides an overview of the sites and VPGs being protected at the site or recovered to
The following information is displayed:
VPGs being protected or recovered, along with the health of each VPG, are represented by colored blocks, where the color represents the following:
Green: The VPG is being replicated, including syncing the VPG between the sites.
Orange: The VPG is being replicated but there are problems, such as an RPO value larger than the target RPO value specified for the VPG.
Red: The VPG is not being replicated, for example because communication with the site is down.
Positioning the mouse over a block displays the VPG name as a tooltip.
Clicking the block opens the details tab for the VPG.
The status of the site, including the following:
• | The number of VPGs and virtual machines being protected or recovered. |
• | The amount of storage being protected. |
• | The average RPO. |
• | The percentage compression of data passed between the site and peer sites. |
Performance Graphs
The current site performance, which includes the following information:
IOPS (I/O per Second): The total amount of I/O write operations generated by the protected virtual machines on the viewed site. (The IOPS graph is displayed for VPGs replicating from on-premise sites).
Throughput (MB per second): The total amount of uncompressed data written by the virtual machines protected to the recovery sites.
During synchronization processes (such as bitmap sync, initial sync and delta sync) this value will also consist of the uncompressed data read from the protected disks.
WAN Traffic (MB per second): The total amount of compressed data transferred between the viewed site and all its recovery sites.
A listing of the currently active alerts and running tasks, and the events run during the last few hours.
User input, for example, stopping a failover test or committing or rolling back a Move or Failover operation, can be initiated from the relevant task displayed in the RUNNING TASKS section.
A listing of the currently active alerts and running tasks, and the events run during the last few hours.
User input, for example, stopping a failover test or committing or rolling back a Move or Failover operation, can be initiated from the relevant task displayed in the RUNNING TASKS section.
See also:
• | Monitoring VPGs – The VPGs Tab |
• | Monitoring a Single VPG |
• | Monitoring Long-term Retention |
• | Monitoring Tasks |
• | Monitoring Protected Virtual Machines – The VMs Tab |
• | Monitoring Peer Sites – The SITES Tab |
• | Monitoring Virtual Replication Appliances |
• | Zerto Performance Counters |