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Zerto Cloud Manager Administration Guide Cloud Environments

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ZORG Alerts

The alerts for a specific ZORG are displayed in the ZORG Alerts tab.

Warnings are indicated by an orange icon and alerts by a red icon. The information displayed includes the VPG name, the name of the entity that triggered the alert, the date and time the alert was issued, and a description of the alert.

The alert status indicator in the title bar at the top shows the color of the most severe alert that is currently valid. After the alert has been resolved, the alert is removed from the Alerts tab and the alert status indicator changes, if appropriate, to show the new alert status.

You can filter Alerts by the columns with a filter icon. Click the filter icon to enter a value to filter by. The filter icon becomes visible when a filter is applied. Click Clear in the filter field to clear the filter.

You can dismiss alerts by selecting the relevant alerts and clicking Acknowledge. Even after acknowledging and dismissing alerts, you can choose to display them. Select or clear Display Acknowledged Alerts to display or not display alerts that have been dismissed (acknowledged). Note that the number of alerts displayed in the title bar alerts indicator is the number of unacknowledged alerts.

If the description of the alert is truncated, hover over the alert description to display a tooltip with the complete description.

Alerts from previous versions are displayed with an Unknown link.

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