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Keycloak Redirect URL

Keycloak Redirect URL

By default, keycloak is configured to use * as the redirect URL.

For security reasons it is recommended to narrow the scope of redirect.

To change the redirect URL:

1. Log in to Keycloak (https://ip/auth) and select the desired realm.
2. Go to Clients and select the relevant client.
3. In Valid redirect URIs, fill in the redirect URI.

The Valid redirect URIs is a valid URI pattern a browser can redirect to after a successful login.

Simple wildcards are allowed such as 'http://example.com/*'.

The relative path can be specified, such as /my/relative/path/*. Relative paths are relative to the client root URL, or if none is specified the auth server root URL is used.

For SAML, you must set valid URI patterns if you are relying on the consumer service URL embedded with the login request.

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