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Zerto Cloud Manager Administration Guide Cloud Environments

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Resource Reports

Information about the resources used by the virtual machines being recovered to a particular site is displayed in the Resources report under the Reports tab. The information is collected at fixed times that are defined in the Reports tab of the Site Settings dialog in the recovery site. Information for the report is saved for 90 days when the sampling period is hourly and for one year when the sampling period is daily.

The report collects the resource information for the virtual machines being recovered to the site where the report is run.

If no virtual machines are recovered to the site where the report is run, the report is empty.

You can filter the information by the following:

From and To: The dates for which you want information.

Click Export to generate the report, which is produced as an Excel file.

The information presented in this report is divided into three tabs:

Details Tab shows information for each protected virtual machine.

Performance Tab shows bandwidth and throughput information for each virtual machine in a table and in a graph.

Target Host Tab shows information per host in the recovery site.

Using a REST API to Generate a Report

Zerto exposes a REST API to produce resource data. The report is generated by passing a URL. For details about the ResourcesReport API (and all other Zerto REST APIs), see the Zerto Virtual Replication RESTful APIs.

Details Tab

The Details tab includes the names and IDs of the virtual machines being protected and, for each virtual machine, the timestamp for the information, where it is protected, the CPU used, the memory used by the host and the guest, the storage used, and other information.

Interpreting the Details Tab

The Details tab provides a breakdown of every protected virtual machine, identified by its internal identifier and name in the hypervisor manager. The report also includes the name of the VPG that is protecting the virtual machine and information such as the protected and recovery sites, the protected and recovery vCD Org, cluster, etc.

The Timestamp column displays the time when the last sample, as defined in the Reports tab of the Site Settings dialog, was taken.

The VPG Type column is one of:

VC2VC: vCenter to vCenter replication

VC2VCD: vCenter to vCloud Director replication

VCD2VCD: vCloud Director to vCloud Director replication

VCD2VC: vCloud Director to vCenter replication

The ZORG column defines organizations set up in the Zerto Cloud Manager that use a Managed Service Provider for recovery.

The Bandwidth (Bps) and Throughput (Bps) columns display the average between two consecutive samples. With daily samples, these figures represent the average daily bandwidth and throughput. For hourly samples, the timestamp represents an average between the sample at the timestamp and the previous sample. A value of -1 means that the system failed to calculate the value, which can happen for several reasons, for example:

Sites were disconnected when the sample was collected. Although the protected site measures the throughput and bandwidth, the recovery site logs the results.
The bandwidth or throughput values at the time of the sample was lower than the bandwidth or throughput value in the previous sample. This can happen, for example, if the protected site VRA is rebooted since the sample values are not stored persistently by the VRA.
If valueInLastSample does not exist, since currentValue is the first sample for the virtual machine, the data is not calculated.

Bandwidth is calculated as: (currentValue – valueInLastSample)/elapsedTtime

For example:

Time Action/Description
2:29:59.999 A virtual machine is placed in a VPG
2:30 A sample is generated. The total transmitted bytes is zero since the virtual machine was just placed in the VPG
2:30-2:59.999 The VM is writing data at 1MB/minute
3:00 The virtual machine lowers its write rate to 0.5MB/minute

A new sample is calculated. Current value of total data transmitted is 45MB:

1MB/minute)*(30 minutes) + (0.5MB/minute)*(30 minutes)

Last value of total data transmitted is 0, from the 2:30 sample.

Bandwidth = (45MB-0)/(60 minutes) = 0.75MB/minute = 13107Bps

Report output fields

The following describes the fields in the Details tab.

Parameter Description
Active Guest Memory (MB) The active memory of the virtual machine.
Bandwidth (Bps) The average bandwidth used between two consecutive samples, in bytes per second.
Consumed Host Memory (MB) The amount of host memory consumed by the virtual machine.
CPU Limit (MHz) The maximum MHz available for the CPUs in the virtual machine.
CPU Reserved (MHz) The MHz reserved for use by the CPUs in the virtual machine.
CPU Used (MHz) The MHz used by the CPUs in the virtual machine.
CrmId The CRM identifier specified in Zerto Cloud Manager for an organization that uses a Managed Service Provider for recovery.
Memory (MB) The virtual machine defined memory.
Memory Limit (MB) The upper limit for this virtual machine’s memory allocation.
Memory Reserved (MB) The guaranteed memory allocation for this virtual machine.
Number Of vCPUs The number of CPUs for the virtual machine.
Number Of Volumes The number of volumes attached to the virtual machine.
Recovery Journal Provisioned Storage (GB) The amount of provisioned journal storage for the virtual machine. The provisioned journal size reported can fluctuate considerably when new volumes are added or removed.
Recovery Journal Used Storage (GB) The amount of journal storage used by the virtual machine.

In on-premises environments, differences might occur between the value displayed in the Used Journal column in the Protection Over Time by Site report and the value displayed here, which is retrieved from vCenter.

The Used Journal value displayed in the Protection Over Time by Site report is calculated by the VRA, based on internal journal allocations for each recovery volume.

vCenter Resources reports are expected to display a larger size than in the Protection Over Time by Site report, and may reach up to 500MB higher per virtual machine than reported in the Protection Over Time by Site report.
Recovery Volumes Provisioned Storage (GB) The amount of provisioned storage for the virtual machine in the target site. This value is the sum of volumes’ provisioned size.
Recovery Volumes Used Storage (GB) The amount of storage used by the virtual machine in the target site.
Service Profile The service profile used by the VPG.
Source Cluster The source cluster name hosting the virtual machine.
Source Host The source host name hosting the virtual machine.
Source Organization VDC The name of the source vDC organization.
Source Resource Pool The source resource pool name hosting the virtual machine.
Source Site The source protected site name, defined in the Zerto User Interface.
Source vCD Organization The name of the source vCD organization.
Source Volumes Provisioned Storage (GB) The amount of provisioned storage for the virtual machine in the source site. This value is the sum of volumes’ provisioned size.
Source Volumes Used Storage (GB) The amount of storage used by the virtual machine in the source site. This value is the sum of the volumes’ used size.
Source VRA Name The name of the source VRA used to send data to the recovery site.
Target Cluster The target cluster name hosting the virtual machine.
Target Datastores The target storage used by the virtual machine if it is recovered.
Target Host The target host name hosting the virtual machine when it is recovered.
Target Organization vDC The name of the target vDC organization.
Target Resource Pool The target resource pool name where the virtual machine will be recovered.
Target Site The target site name, defined in the Zerto User Interface.
Target Storage Policy The target vCD storage policy used.
Target vCD Organization The name of the target vCD organization.
Target VRA Name The name of the VRA managing the recovery.
Throughput (Bps) The average throughput of the VM used between two consecutive samples, in bytes per second.
Timestamp The date and time the resource information was collected. The value can be converted to an understandable date using code similar to the following:

var date = new Date(jsonDate);

or code similar to the Perl code example, jsonDateToString($), described in Zerto Virtual Replication RESTful APIs.

VM Hardware Version The VMware hardware version.
VM Id The internal virtual machine identifier.
VM Name The name of the virtual machine.
VPG Name The name of the VPG.
VPG Type The VPG type:

VCVpg: VMware vCenter Server

VCvApp: Deprecated

VCDvApp: VMware vCloud Director vApp

PublicCloud: Amazon WebServices or Microsoft Azure

ZORG The name assigned to an organization using a Managed Service Provider for recovery. The name is created in the Zerto Cloud Manager. For details, see Setting Up ZORGs.

Performance Tab

The Performance tab shows bandwidth and throughput information for each virtual machine per sampling period in a table and in a graph. The Performance tab enables the user to view the total bandwidth and throughput per sampling period.

The graph allows the user to view performance trends over time per VM.

For full explanation of the bandwidth and throughput information, refer to the Details Tab.

You can filter information by date and VM name.

The following describes the fields in the Performance tab:

parameters description
Time Stamp For explanation see the Details tab.
Bandwidth (Bps) The average bandwidth of the VM used between two consecutive samples, in bytes per second.
Throughput (Bps) The average throughput of the VM used between two consecutive samples, in bytes per second.
Total Bandwidth The total bandwidth of all VMs during the measured period.
Total Throughout The total throughput of all VMs during the measured period.

Target Host Tab

The Target Host tab shows information per host in the recovery site. This enables the user to perform capacity planning on the recovery host. You can filter information by time and by host.

The following describes the fields in the Target Host tab.

parameters description
Active Guest Memory (MB) The active memory of the virtual machine.
CPU Used (MHz) The MHz used by the CPUs in the virtual machine.
Host The Target Host's IP address or DNS name.
Total Bandwidth The total bandwidth of all VMs replicating to the host during the measured period.
Total Throughput The total throughput of all VMs replication to the host during the measured period.
vCPUs The number of CPUs for the virtual machine.
VMs The number of VMs protected.
Volumes The number of volumes attached to the virtual machine.
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